It's Christmas time again! I am always very happy during this time of the month. Every radio station broadcasts Christmas carols every hour.
It is very quiet in school also. Professors are all on vacation. Students are away on holiday. Hence, I can 'curi tulang' as well. (",). Yesterday, I spent the entire evening (till 11 pm) in the lab baking christmas cookies. My baking tutor, Xiao Hui is the baking master behind this. She is truly amazing. She could make more than 50 types of cookies and all are sinfully delicious.
My best assignment is ginger bread!
They are beautiful, aren't they. I am bringing them home to Malaysia with me tonight.
The not so beautiful coffee cookies.
I will be taking the night coach home to Genting tonight at 11.30 pm. My parents will pick me up in the morning. My suitcase is so packed with christmas cookies and chocolates. Some are bought from Candy Empire and some are baked by me =)) I can be Santa back home, making my nieces and nephews happy.
What will I do on Christmas? I will be in Cameron Highlands with my parents and nephew. Hhhm....fresh strawberries, I am on my way!
Merry Christmas to all my friends and family. May all your wishes will come true in the year of 2009. Happy New Year!
My new year wishes:
(i) Go on a date before my 28th birthday. I have never been on a date. Can you believe it? God, I am pathetic.
(ii) May my cousin sister give birth to a healthy child this month. She is suppose to due next week. Hahahaha.
(iii) May my parents stay healthy and happy always.
(iv) May I find a good job next year.